I'd like to connect with the roots
of the Harlem Renaissance
Hey man you ever hear of
Langston Hughes?
A Negro who was
neither black nor white
he wrote some poems
one of them was called
white old man
black old mother
lived and wrote
in Harlem
Have you ever heard Bird on a sax?
Oh so truly American
What was a Negro?
Is he the essential American?
Out there always finding solace
his meaning out there
on the streets of Harlem
abstract morality
You bind together
in the village
the bronx
You have something in common
A lot of you believe
in the same things
live and let live
you can be happy
without becoming a millionaire
maybe you feel
like you belong there
it's the general feeling
a brotherhood
awakening race
a cultural movement
New York City
the center of change
accomplishments then
created a livelihood now
an interest
in Negro life
and power to the people
it must have been insane
a revolution of thoughts
you are the roots
of possibility
and i am inspired.