Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reservoir Dogs Critique

Reservoir Dogs really packs a lot of punches and by the end of the film leaves us viewers completely battered. From the moment that we tumble into the realm of the gang of eight, we are hopelessly trapped there until the final credits roll. For actor/director/ writer Quentin Tarantino, this is a triumph, displaying all the marks of a longtime fan of the genre.
A jewelry store robbery has gone wrong - extremely wrong - for the thieves. One member of the gang is dead, and several are missing. The survivors, including Mr. White (Harvey Keitel), Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi), and a critically-injured Mr. Orange (Tim Roth), are stuck in a warehouse, trying to figure out how to get out of the situation. Suspicions start to run wild, as White and Pink discuss the possibility of a traitor among them, and the tension escalates when Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) shows up with a little surprise in the trunk of his car. Whenever I hear the song "Stuck In The Middle With You," by Steelers Wheels, it gives me the creeps.
The cast is top notch, and the parts the actors have to play are fully exposed. Tarantino invests each member of his group with a unique and distinct personality. Since he's never been content with stereotypes, the writer/director digs deeper into the mind, bringing out the humanity in even someone as viciously sadistic and psychotic as Mr. Blonde. To go along with the characters is a surprising plot, filled with wonderful little twists and turns, never knowing what's around the corner. The non-chronological manner in which the story is told is slightly confusing at first, but everything eventually makes sense later.
Tarantino's directing creates a high-voltage style that's entirely his own. The writing is crisp and clean. The quick-witted dialogue leaves the audience consistantly wondering and laughing aloud. The absurd humor and dark comedy are among many of Reservoir Dogs' defining elements. This is one of those rare motion pictures that's both intelligent and crude at the same time.
Highly recommended! BUT those who are squeamish about blood should be wary. While the gore in this film isn't gratuitous, there's a great deal of it, and one particular torture scene is chillingly and vividly depicted. As I said earlier, the song I previously mentioned will never sound the same again! Gripping and gut-wrenching, Reservoir Dogs is likely to stay with you for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. After seeing "Reservoir Dogs", the knife scene in "Eastern promises" couldn't really scare me...
