Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why Reagan Was The Greatest President In My Time

In practical terms, "Reaganomics" has to be considered one of the reasons that Reagan has come to be thought of as a great president. Reaganomics created an unmatched period of economic prosperity. It was only the Democratic-controlled congress' insistence on continuing to raise wasteful government spending beyond the means that even this economic boom would support that cut sort the prosperity that Reaganomics brought.

It was also Reagan who rebuilt our military, after his predecessor had practically destroyed it through neglect.

It was Reagan's policies that so weakened our greatest enemy of that time, the Soviet Union, to the point where it fell apart not long thereafter.

It was Reagan's policies that stopped the spread of Communism in Latin America before it became a direct threat to us. To understand how important this is, consider the problems we now have with illegal immigrants from Mexico, and then try to imagine how it would be if these illegal immigrants were Communists intent on bringing Communism with them into our country.

It was Reagan who made America strong again, after the previous administration saw America weakened and humiliated.

Not to mention the Berlin Wall being torn down!

Aside from his practical accomplishments, Reagan's personality almost certainly had a great deal to do with his perceived greatness. He was "The Great Communicator". His speeches rang with optimism and comfort and patriotism. After the humiliating Carter years, Reagan made us again feel proud to be Americans, and confident in our nation's future.

1 comment:

  1. you have select the greatest president in my time as well. Better even than JFK. The Soviets knew they were up against a strong leader when they saw how he handled the Air Traffic Controllers strike. Basically he fired them all and hired new one. Took balls to do that. My favorite President to date was Reagan.
